Balik Pulau simply means 'the other side of the island'. Just on the northwestern coast of the Penang Island is the fruit bowl of Penang featuring fruit plantations and spice gardens. The best fruit including durian, rambutan, langsat, duku, mangosteen, nutmeg, clove and star fruit. Durian is well known as 'the King of fruit'. Its textures and flavors were ranging from smooth and fragrant to husky and bittersweet. A lot of people visit Balik Pulau just to taste durian. The other famous food in Balik Pulau is 'Laksa'. Laksa is a kind of spicy food. It makes out of fish soup, which is spicy with noodles. The best time to visit Balik Pulau are the months of November, January and May until July when the harvest is at its prime..
huhu balik pulau is d last malay village in penang!! its my village!
weyh korg siyes ke nk g holiday penang tahun ni?? klau nk kte perlu rancang dari sekarang. n nnt kte g survey2 dlu. nk booking org2 yg bleh jd kte pnye tour guide hua hua hua!!
dorang sies nak gi..
walaupon gue tak dapat ikot..huhuhuhu~
iyye??siannye cha2
kem salm durian kat dy..
knape awk xdpt ikot..
alaa tanak la pg camni!!
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